Agroforestry Projects

Agroforestry is farming with or between trees.

It is more common in Europe, where farmers are cropping fruit trees and livestock together. This isn’t a new concept and has been practiced for thousands of years.

In the UK agroforestry is an emerging innovation providing multiple benefits for the farmer looking at new enterprises that can complement an existing farm system whilst making use of the sun’s energy to produce additional cropping and income – 3D farming.

Agroforestry can be used for single or multiple purposes. Including providing fruit, timber and resource protection for soils and water.

The many benefits of planting trees on farms include healthier soils and higher yields of both arable and pastoral crops. Whether grown as inter-row cropping or producing shelter belts, this mixed type of farming can have many benefits. Including leading to an increase of beneficial natural habitats, soil stability boosting productivity and increasing yields.

Many different trees can be used for agroforestry projects, the most common being top fruit and hazel trees.

The Soil Association has a very informative handbook which can be downloaded here.

Abacus Agriculture

Abacus Agriculture

Abacus Agricultures working farm in Cambridge provides a direct resource for them to benchmark data and farming practice. The team at Abacus can provide independent advice with a practical, hands-on approach to integrated farm management and agronomy for organic and low input agriculture.

To discuss your own specific requirements email or call:

Stephen Briggs on 07855 341309 or Ian Knight on 07775 842444.