Frank P Matthews
A tree that has been grown in the field and then lifted out of the ground when dormant. Available from November to March. The roots are more open and the direct contact with the soil encourages them to settle in and establish more readily.
These are 2yr old trees that have been grown 1yr in the field and the second in a pot. Container trees can be planted at any time of the year but establish best when planted during the autumn and need to be watered well during the first summer.
A distinctive late eating apple with attractive lenticel spots, red-brown skin and a rich, aromatic, nutty flavour.
A medium to large, sharp cooking apple with an oblong shape and a flat base.
Apple Cider
Well flavoured bittersharp, compact growth habit. Yellow-green background with a strong dark red flush.
Orange with red flush. Large fruit cream white-flesh and a sweet light flavour. Good keeper, ideal for stewing.
Large yellow-green fruits cook to a delicious yellow puree. A firm baker with very attractive flower.
Pale green aromatic fruit with strong, sweet-sharp, intense, acid drop flavour and firm white flesh.
A recently introduced and much improved Ballerina apple, more compact, crisp eating. Sweet and sharp flavours.
The 'sainted' apple found on Bardsey Island. Pink over cream skin with lemon scent and refreshing flavour.
Bright red flush on yellow. Flesh, often stained pink under the skin, sweet and juicy. Eat in haste to be at its best.
Aromatic flavour, crunchy, crisp and juicy. Can be picked and eaten from mid September over a few weeks.
Yellow-gold with orange flush and red stripes. Nutty taste, sweet and crumbly texture. An old favourite!
An old variety from Carse of Gowrie. Classified as an eater, but likely to do better as a cooker.