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Sweet and Sour Cherries

UK Sweet Cherry Production

UK cherry production is a major industry competing well in the global market with some great advantages for quality over a long season. Our current range of cherries contain exceptional quality fruit. From blush types to black, season extension by early and late varieties, and an ever-increasing exposure to new breeding programmes.

We act as exclusive agents for Gräb Nursery in Germany. Their specialist approach produces the finest quality trees on the most suitable of nursery soils to the very highest specification. They also offer through our portfolio the most recent varieties from their own breeding programme, and the progeny of other stone fruit breeding programmes throughout the world.

For more information on picking and technical information on varieties please see Grab Nurseries website.

Sour Cherries

There is an increase in interest and demand for sour cherries. Typically these are machine harvested. Please contact us for more details.