Frank P Matthews
A tree that has been grown in the field and then lifted out of the ground when dormant. Available from November to March. The roots are more open and the direct contact with the soil encourages them to settle in and establish more readily.
These are 2yr old trees that have been grown 1yr in the field and the second in a pot. Container trees can be planted at any time of the year but establish best when planted during the autumn and need to be watered well during the first summer.
Fig trees are wonderful deciduous trees, and are grown very successfully in the UK. Best grown in a sheltered site with some space allowed. They are surprisingly large and spread up to 3 metres when fully grown! Can also be grown in pots which are ideal so they can be moved to sunny spots, or moved under shelter if necessary. They also have their roots restricted to reduce vigorous growth if you wanted a smaller tree.
Fig fruits are full of natural sugars and minerals including calcium and iron. Only the small embryonic fruit that appear in spring on the tips of the previous years growth will develop into ripe fruit in the UK. Fig trees are ripe and ready to harvest in August and September. A second crop appears later in the summer but these fruits will not mature and should be removed in the autumn.
Hard pruning is recommended to encourage young replacement shoots. Pinching out of strong growing tips is also encouraged in mid summer to develop and ripen the current crop.
Large brown, pear-shaped fruit with a sugary, rich, red flesh and good compact habit. Reliable and easy to grow.
Naturally dwarf mini Fig, perfect for smaller spaces and patio growing. Small, purple, sweet fruits in autumn.
Large pear-shaped fruit. Green/yellow skin, yellow flesh with red centre. Leaves are handshaped.
Very large green fruit of high quality with attractive foliage. Deep red flesh, that's juicy and sweet.
Deeply divided leaves in the shape of ice crystals making a very ornamental plant. Small, sweet fruits.
Hardy red fruit cropping from first year. Flesh is bright red, well flavoured and juicy. Very attractive foliage.
Black fig with a high quality eating. Small fruit. very firm skin and light red flesh. Attractive lobed green leaves.
Very attractive striped yellow/green skin. Golden yellow and pink flesh.
Self fertile. Large, round, pale green fruit with translucent white flesh and rich, sweet taste.