Provenance of English Apples Apples may have originated in the Middle East but they have now become a part of our cultural heritage with thousands of known varieties. All of which have been specially selected and grown for their desirable properties such as size, taste and texture. The below list of the provenance of English apples have been sorted by county so you can find the perfect choice for you. Click on the varieties below to find out more about our English apples. * Featured photo Avon (inc Bristol) Bramley 20 (1970) * – An exceptional sharp flavour and produces a delicious puréewhen cooked. Cox Self Fertile (1975) – Heavy crops of juicy and crisp fruits, sweet flavours. Queen Cox Self Fertile 18 (1975) – The best commercial form of Cox with attractive colour and occasional russet spots. Bedfordshire Epicure (1909) – Sweet, juicy fruit, with red stripes over greenish yellow skin. Fortune (1904) – High quality, mid season dessert apple with sweet aromatic flavour. Laxton’s Superb (1897) * – Sweet and aromatic. Purple flush and red stripes give an old fashioned appearance. Lord Lambourne (1907) – High quality and reliable crops. Striped fruit, sweet and aromatic with a hint of strawberry. Berkshire Charles Ross (19thC) * – Easy to grow with orange-red flush. Sweet flavoured eater which bakes well. John Standish (1873) – Intensely fruity with firm crisp flesh. A bright scarlet flush on the ripe fruit. Buckinghamshire Arthur Turner (1912) – Large yellow-green fruits cook to a delicious yellow purée. A firm baker with very attractive flower. Cox’s Orange Pippin (19thC) – Orange flush over greenish-yellow. Deep cream flesh has sweet aromatic flavour. Grenadier (19thC) – Easy to grow, large early fruit which cooks to a sharp purée. Reverend W. Wilks (1904) * – Compact tree producing large fruit. Cooks to a light sweet, pale lemon purée. Cambridgeshire Chiver’s Delight (20thC) * – Golden, crisp and juicy with a sweet, honey flavour. A good garden apple for all areas. Early Victoria (19thC) – Popular, traditional early cooker with greenish-yellow, smooth skin and greenish white crisp, firm flesh. Cheshire Lord Derby (19thC) * – Quality cooker. Large, firm, attractive green fruit with an angular shape. Cornwall Cornish Aromatic (1813) – Handsome, bright red flush with russet patches. Sweet, sharp pear drop and spice flavour. Cornish Gilliflower (1800) * – Dark red flush with red stripes over gold. Knobbly exterior conceals yellow perfumed flesh. Intensely flavoured. Derbyshire Newton Wonder (19thC) * – Large yellow fruit with scarlet stripes. Cooks to a juicy, mild purée. Makes a fruity eater later in the season. Devon Browns (1900) – Medium sized, dark red fruit. Produces a fruity, bittersharp cider. Devonshire Quarrenden (1676) – Strong flavour of berried fruit, sweet with good acidity. Dark crimson flush. Slack Me Girdle – Sweet cider, greenish yellow with a bright red flush. Produces a pleasant juice. Tom Putt (18thC) * – Large, bright red-crimson streaks. Firm crisp and sharp. Sweet when cooked. Tremlett’s Bitter (19thC) – Deep red fruit produces sweet astringent juice, high in tannin. Full bitter sweet cider. Upton Pyne (1910) – ellow with pink striped fruit. Slight pineapple flavour and cooks to a purée. Essex Discovery (1949) – Bright red flush. Crisp and juicy with a hint of strawberry. D’Arcy Spice (18thC) * – Bright green becoming gold with red flush. Hot, spicy nutmeg flavoured eater. George Cave (1923) – Carmine stripes over green background and white flesh. Strong, sweet, sharp taste. Pearl (1950) – Dark crimson attractive fruits with broken dark red stripes and pleasant flavours. Aromatic, sweet and crisp variety. Gloucestershire Ashmead’s Kernel (1700) * – Pale green aromatic fruit with strong, sweet-sharp, intense, acid drop flavour and firm white flesh. Greater London Core Blimey™ (2015) * – Attractive red fruits, wonderfully aromatic, juicy and crisp. A highly flavoured Cox type that is easier to grow. Herefordshire Adam’s Pearmain (19thC) – Late eater with attractive lenticel spots, red-brown skin and a rich, aromatic, nutty flavour. Gennet Moyle (19thC) – Orange-red flush with a slight russety cheek. Cooks to a sharp, flavoursome lemon purée. Herefordshire Beefing (1700) – Deep red flush with stripes. Sharp and firm with a rich flavour. Herefordshire Redstreak (17thC) – Medium, red striped fruit with a mild bittersweet flavour. Cider is a natural red colour. King’s Acre Pippin (1899) – Large, green with brown-red flush and russet patches. Rich flavour with a crisp, juicy texture. Pitmaston Pine Apple (1785) – Gold fruit with rich distinctive flavour of pineapple, blended with honey and musk. Red Windsor® (1985) * – Heavy crops of delicious red fruit. A good balance of sweet and sharp flavour. Hertfordshire Brownlees Russet (1848) – A juicy flavour like acid drops, keeps well into February. Very attractive dark pink blossom in the spring. Lane’s Prince Albert (19thC) * – Shiny, green flushed orange-red, red stripes. Green/white soft flesh cooks to a lemon purée. Isle of Wight Howgate Wonder (1915) * – Large yellow striped red cooker. Keeps shape well. Can also be used as an eater as it is quite sweet and juicy. Little Pax® – Bright red fruit with attractive yellow lenticels and a superb sweet aromatic flavour. Kent Ballerina Polka® (1976) – One of the original Ballerina varieties similar to McIntosh, crisp and juicy. Ballerina Bolero® (1976) – Known as the worlds most compact apple tree. Shiny green apple, crisp and juicy. Ballerina Flamenco® (1992) – A reliable Ballerina apple with a columnar habit and dark red crisp fruit. Ballerina Samba® (2000) – A much improved Ballerina apple, more compact, crisp eating. Sweet and sharp flavours. Bright Future (2008) * – A late variety of excellent flavour with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. Bountiful (1964) – Soft juicy fruit, light and sweet when cooked. Slices retain their shape. Cobra (2007) – The perfect dual purpose apple with a fine dessert flavour. Refreshing acidic, tangy quality. Fiesta (1972) – Rich, aromatic, sweet and crisp. Excellent garden tree, with heavy crops. Good for juicing. Greensleeves (1966) * – Pale, greenish-yellow. Crisp, tangy, easy to grow eater, and a very good pollinator. Herefordshire Russet® (2002) – Russet with a Cox-like flavour. Exceptional eating quality, rich aromatic flavour. Jumbo (2000) – Large dual purpose apple with refreshing acidic, aromatic flavour. Jupiter (1966) – Large Cox-flavoured apples, but a more robust variety. Sweet, juicy, aromatic flesh. Lemon Pippin (1700) – Large lemon coloured and shaped fruit. Quite sweet, rather dry, firm, coarse yellow flesh. Limelight (2000) – Luminous yellow-green fruit. Flesh is crisp, refreshing and rich in flavour. Meridian (1972) * – Striped orange-red on pale green background. Juicy with aromatic flavour. Red Devil (1979) – Deep scarlet skin, red stained flesh. Fruit strawberry flavour. Makes pink juice. Redsleeves (1986) – Crisp and juicy red fruits ideal for children, disease tolerant and frost resistant. Saturn (1980) – Heavy crops of attractive, red-blushed, conical fruit. Juicy, crisp and refreshing. Scrumptious® – Bright red fruit. Thin skinned with an aromatic, crisp, sweet flavour. Sunset (1918) – Red stripes, orange flush over gold. Sharp intense flavour. Heavy crops. Sweet Society (2004) – Slightly small, sweet, rich and aromatic eating quality. Russet streaks and good red flush. Tydeman’s Late Orange (1930) – Orange-red colour with some russet. Firm and sweet. Warner’s King (18thC) – Very large, pale green fruit turning pale yellow with slight brown-pink flush. Juicy and acidic Winter Gem (1984) * – Green attractive fruits are flushed with pinkish-red. Rich aromatic flavour with a crisp texture. Lancashire Golden Spire (1850) – Golden with deep cream flesh. Sharp, almost cider flavour. Keswick Codlin (18thC) * – Pale green-yellow with a slightly darker yellow flush. Soft flesh with an acid-like flavour. Leicestershire Annie Elizabeth (19thC) * – Orange with red flush. Large fruit cream white-flesh and a sweet light flavour. Dumelow’s Seedling (1800) – Medium, pale yellow fruit. Firm, crisp, white flesh cooks to a sharp, pale cream purée. Lincolnshire Allington Pippin (19thC) – Pale yellow, flushed red. Juicy and sharp with a pineapple flavour. Broadholme Beauty – Pale green, smooth skin. Superb cooker, heavy crops with good frost and disease resistance. Ellison’s Orange (1904) – Striped, red, juicy eating apple. Aniseed flavour develops after picking retaining its melting juicy flesh. Isaac Newton – Large, greenish-yellow fruit with dull red stripes. Cooks well to a smooth purée. Peasgood’s Nonsuch (1850) * – Pale green with broken red stripes and orange flush. Makes a sweet, deliciously flavoured purée. Middlesex Rosemary Russet (1831) * – Orange-reddish brown flush over greenish-yellow. Flesh firm, fine white, tinged yellowish-green. Sweet and aromatic. Norfolk Adam’s Pearmain (19thC) – Late eating apple with attractive lenticel spots, red-brown skin and a rich, aromatic, nutty flavour. Golden Noble (18thC) – One of the very best golden cookers. Sharp, juicy and well flavoured with creamy texture. Norfolk Royal Russet (1983) – High quality dessert apple with russet finish. Rich, intense, aromatic flavour. Red Falstaff® (1983) * – Fruity, well balanced flavour, crisp and a very juicy. Red flushed skin over greenish-yellow. Nottinghamshire Bramley’s Seedling (19thC) * – Green to greenish-yellow with a strong acid flavour. Cooks to a creamy purée. Bramley ‘Original’ – Propagated from the Original Bramley tree in Southwell. Sharp and acidic flavours. Oxfordshire Blenheim Orange (1940) * – Yellow-gold with orange flush and red stripes. Nutty taste, sweet and crumbly texture. Shropshire Rosette™ (2001) * – Bright apple with pink flesh. Light and sweet flavour with a hint of summer berries. Yellow Ingestrie (1800) – Greenish-yellow fruit turning yellow as it ripens. Sharp, fruity and firm. Somerset Beauty of Bath (19thC) – Bright red flush on yellow. Flesh, often stained pink under the skin, sweet and juicy. Christmas Pippin® (2000) * – High quality eating apple with a beautiful honey flavour. Flowers and crops heavily. Court of Wick (18thC) – Red flushed russet freckled over gold with intense fruity flavour. Sweet yellow flesh, juicy and crisp. Dabinett (19thC) – Bittersweet juice that produces a high-quality, medium-dry cider on it’s own. Harry Masters Jersey (19thC) – Dark red fruit produces a full bitter-sweet taste with a soft astringency. Morgans Sweet (18thC) * – Green/yellow fruit with freckled russet. Produces a light, fruit cider. Can be eaten fresh with a sweet, tangy taste. Somerset Redstreak – Attractive greenish-yellow fruit flushed bright red. Produces a bittersweet juice. Yarlington Mill – Greenish-yellow turning yellow. Sharp, fruity and firm. A charming lawn free with drooping habit. Suffolk St Edmund’s Russet (1875) * – Sweet, juicy, densley textured pale cream flesh. Attractive golden-red russet and silvery sheen. Sturmer Pippin (19thC) – Green-brown apple which picks late and keeps well. Crisp, juicy and sweet flesh. Surrey Claygate Pearmain (1921) – Rich and aromatic with a nutty taste. Flushed orange red over greenish. Pixie * – Good crops of small apples. Yellow with attractive red stripes and orange-red flush. Red Pixie – A red sport of Pixie. red striped fruit with a red flush. Creamy white flesh, crisp and fairly juicy. Sussex Crawley Beauty (1870) – Bright yellow, orange-red flush, with red stripes. Crisp, firm with slightly sweet flavour. Doctor Hogg (1880) – Large fruit with yellow skin, flushed pale red. Flesh tender, white and sweet flavoured. Egremont Russet (19thC) – Flesh is cream, tinged yellow, sweet and firm with a rich nutty flavour. Golden Pippin * – Gold with russet dots. Sweet rich taste with a lemon tang. Cooks well. West Midlands Catshead (17thC) * – Large angular fruit, green-pale yellow cooking apple with perfumed flavour. Cooks to a sharp, firm purée. Worcestershire Captain Tom (Malvern) * – Large dual purpose variety. Delicious, sweet flavour and crisp, juicy texture. Edward VII (1906) – Green-yellow with russet dots. Good round shape for easy peeling. Cooks to a good cream purée. Gladstone (1868) – Dark red stripes, darker lenticles on green. Raspberry/redcurrant sweet flavour. Lord Hindlip (1896) – A handsome eating apple with a crimson flush and rich aromatic flavour. Sandlin Duchess (Malvern, 1880) – Yellow-green skin with red flush. creamy green flesh with a juicy, slightly sweet flavour. William Crump (1910) – Green-yellow with red stripes and orange-red flush. Rich, intense and aromatic flavour. Worcester Pearmain (19thC) – Reliable crop of orange-red fruit. Firm, juicy flesh, very sweet with strong strawberry flavour. Yorkshire Ribston Pippin (18thC) * – Sweet, aromatic, crisp fruit with yellow-red flush. Firm, deep, cream flesh. Back To List Related Articles… Traditional Standard Orchard The below information gives some important practical advice to achieve … Full Details A Brief History of the Apple The humble history of the apple tree. Malus domestica, has … Full Details Commercial Apples, Pears and Pollinators We list here just the core commercial varieties available as … Full Details Cider and Perry We grow a selection of the most popular cider and … Full Details
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A Brief History of the Apple The humble history of the apple tree. Malus domestica, has … Full Details
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